Kagel Environmental, LLC


Our experience and expertise, combined with our extensive data collection, enable us to effectively determine the true extent of wetlands on a given site, as well as defend our findings to the Army Corps of Engineers and/or the Environmental Protection Agency.  Kagel Environmental, LLC is not hesitant to vigorously represent the legal rights and interests of our clients to local, state and federal resource and/or regulatory agencies.

Kagel Environmental, LLC, provides wetland and wildlife services for property owners nationwide. We provide a full array of services, including, but not limited to:

  1. BulletRoutine and Comprehensive Wetland Delineations and Assessments.

  1. BulletForensic Wetland Analysis for those accused of federal wetland violations.

  1. BulletAssistance in obtaining permits from the federal and state regulatory agencies for building roads, culverts, utilities, and/or other structures in or across wetlands, rivers, creeks, streams, etc.

  1. BulletAssistance in all phases of stream bank stabilization, including design, construction supervision and applications for necessary permitting.

  1. BulletEnvironmental Assessments, Biological Assessments, and Natural Resources Inventories (now required by many Planning and Zoning Commissions).

  1. BulletSupport testimony for development projects at City & County Planning and Zoning meetings.

  1. BulletWetland, stream, & pond design, restoration, and comprehensive mitigation planning and compliance.

  1. BulletAdvocacy and representation for resolution of violations of environmental laws and regulations.

  1. Bullet Wildlife management plans.


Wetlands, Wildlife and Permitting Specialists

Kagel Environmental, LLC

PO Box 597

177 E Main Street

Rigby, ID  83442

Office   208-745-0076

Cell      208-313-3890

Fax      208-441-4382
